Wednesday, November 23, 2011

[TUT]Windows Local Area Network Hacking Tutorial[TUT]

Hellow I suppose you could consider this a hacking tutorial of sorts. There are tutorials written very poorly, I must say, that classify these techniques as NetBIOS hacking. It can be considered hacking when used for malicious purposes, and also when you are testing computer security and integrity. But as far as networking goes, you are using SMB (Server Message Block) , which is an application layer networking protocol, to provide shared access to files, printing services, serial ports, and other things between to nodes on a network. A node is just an active device connected to a computer network, like a computer or switch. In computer science, nodes are generally used in graphs, whether they be directed or undirected. The topology of a network acts in the same way, pretty much where two devices on a network intersect, as two lines would in a graph. But, security administrators should also turn SMB off unless they absolutely need it, in which case they should be implementing a network firewall. So, we are going to take advantage of their stupidity. The only difference between using the techniques in this tutorial and exploiting a remote network service with a stack overflow (also called a stack-based buffer overrun) is, well, they aren't as sexy as the latter. But, due to human stupidity, we can access remote machines through file sharing an we can also shut them down.

Well, first of all you can get into remote computers on the same Local Area Network because of a service no network should ever used unless they absolutely NEED to. It's called file sharing. To get into a remote computer, you have to use shares.

First, you need a target. Just to test this out, you are going to type in
net view

Then, you will see a list of host names. You could resolve them to IP Addresses to get into them using the
command, but I just use the host name. Now you need to know the share you want to use with the remote host. Generally these shares are named

Etc. Now, when you looked at those shares, which one made your weeble wobble? That's right, it's the ADMIN$ share. However, it would not be a bad idea to take a look at the other two shares. To display your local share names, type this command into your command prompt-
net share

Now let's say you found that ADMIN$ shares were being used locally across the network. Now what you are going to do is connect to the target host. Type this in-

net use * \\hostname\ADMIN$

Let me explain this-

net use

This is the command used to specify you want to use a shared resource on another computer.


The asterisk is the most important part. This character will help you navigate through the remote host's files, because it will create a drive. You could specify the drive if you wanted to, but for a tutorial like this we will use the asterisk, and it will generate a drive name. If you use more than one host, then the drive to use for the first host would be named Z:, the second Y:, etc.


This is the hostname specified in the net use command, which will be seen when you execute the net view command. The forward slashes are part of the syntax, but they will also be included in the output from the net view command.


This is the share name that you are using with the hostname. The dollar sign is part of the syntax of the share name, and the forward slash is part of the syntax of the net use command.

Here is an example of the command in action-

net use * \\ABCLI123-65\ADMIN$
net use * \\\C$

If this command works, then the message “The command completed successfully”, then you have connected to the remote host. Now, just click the Start button, navigate to “Computer”, or “My Computer”, and look for the drive name that was specified in the output from the command prompt after you executed the command. Click it, and of course you will have access to the files on the remote host.


Now, if this doesn't work, mostly because of system error 53 or system error 5, then deny the remote host service. No, we're not going to bust out the ping of death, but we will shut their machines down. Now then, if I was going to do this, which I have, I would use the interface to simplify things. Go to a command prompt and type in

shutdown -i

If you get another error, well, I'm not going to do a full tutorial for hacking Windows machines, but if you get no error, then here is what you do. Remember the
net view
command? Well, perform that command again, and look at all the machines on your network. When you see the list of machines, notice the [ \\ ] characters at the beginning of each host name. When you look at the interface for shutting down remote computers, there will be a button that says Add, in the top right hand corner, next to the text box. Click this button, and type in (or copy and paste) the host name into the input box you will be prompted with, and click Ok. You should see the host name in the text box. Now you can specify other options, such as the reason you are shutting them down, how long you want to shut them down for (in seconds), and a text box at the bottom to specify comments. Type in a comment after you specify the delay before shutdown, and give your reason (I usually choose the “Other” option). Then click the OK button at the bottom of your GUI, and if you don't get an error in the command prompt you invoked the GUI with, then the remote host has been shutdown. :)


Anyway, I enjoyed writing this little tutorial for you guys, hope you learned something new. :D

How to get facebook profiles from facebook image links.

Ok so you see a facebook image link which is like

and you think hmm i wonder what this guy's real name is.

start off typing this in notepad

now normally on the third set of numbers the one that starts with a 1 and is near the beginning that is there profile id.

so from these numbers


I see the third set is 100001524709980

so i do this

then that is his profile.

Download from permium account free

Hi guys,

here is a small guide how to download from HOTFILE, FILESONIC as a premium without any program.

just add this part in the first of the link ""

example : ""

- Let IDM manage your downloads and check the status of the link before using this method.

edit: its working 100% on hotfile and filesonic.. but iam not sure about another file hosting some links success and some not.

How To Boot Winxp Fast

How To Boot Winxp Fast

Follow the following steps:

1. Open notepad.exe, type "del c:\windows\prefetch\ntosboot-*.* /q" (without the quotes) & save as "ntosboot.bat" in c:\

2. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "gpedit.msc".

3. Double click "Windows Settings" under "Computer Configuration" and double click again on "Shutdown" in the right window.

4. In the new window, click "add", "Browse", locate your "ntosboot.bat" file & click "Open".

5. Click "OK", "Apply" & "OK" once again to exit.

6. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "devmgmt.msc".

7. Double click on "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers"

8. Right click on "Primary IDE Channel" and select "Properties".

9. Select the "Advanced Settings" tab then on the device or 1 that
doesn't have 'device type' greyed out select 'none' instead of 'autodetect' & click "OK".

10. Right click on "Secondary IDE channel", select "Properties" and repeat step 9.

11. Reboot your computer.

Increase Virtual RAM - To Make Your System Faster

Increase Virtual RAM - To Make Your System Faster

Follow the steps given below :-

1) Hold down the 'Windows' Key and Press the 'Pause/Break' button at the top right of your keyboard.
Another way is Right-Clicking 'My Computer' and then Select 'Properties'.

2) Click on the 'Advanced' tab.

3) Under 'Performance', click 'Settings'.

4) Then click the 'Advanced' tab on the button that pops up.

5) Under 'Virtual Memory' at the bottom, click 'Change'.

6) Click the 'Custom Size' button.

7) For the initial size (depending on your HD space), type in anywhere from 1000-1500 (although I use 4000), and for the Maximum size type in anywhere from 2000-2500 (although I use 6000).

8) Click 'Set', and then exit out of all of the windows.

9) Finally, Restart your computer.

10) You now have a faster computer and 1-2GB of Virtual RAM..!

Facebook new shortcuts

Note : This has been tested from the URL

1. Alt + 0 ---> Facebook help (

2. Alt + 6 ---> Facebook Settings (

3. Alt + 7 ---> Facebook Privacy Settings (

4. Alt + 8 ---> Facebook Official Page (

5. Alt + 9 ---> Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities (

If you find more, please post it. I will add to the Original post.

Thanks for reading.

Re-enable CMD, Regedit and Task Manager from being block

Hi guys, well there would be many new people to hacking and accidently click on their tools and disable all those stuff i wrote on the title or being hacked by a hacker and they don't know how to solve it. They don't know what to do except reinstall their window or restore.

Today, i'll show you these easy steps to recover your authority as an administrator on your PC

Enable Regedit!
1st Method
Click Start -> Run… and enter this command (all on one line) :

REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

If that didn't work for you? try the second method
2nd Method
download this and launch it, it'll enable your regedit!!!

Note: if both method don't work then your computer is being infected with a malware that change your registry over time

Enable CMD!
OK guys, enable CMD and task manager would be the same since the hacker or the tools change your registry to disable these, just do these
1st Method:
1. Start ==>Run
2.type in regedit
4. There would be a disable CMD or some thing familiar with that
5.Disable it!
2nd Method
Download this, run it and it would re-enable your CMD

Enable Task Manager
Just use the first method of enable CMD, this time look for disble task manager or something and disable IT!!

That's it guys, it's really simple!! Good luck guys!!!YeyeYeyeYeye

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